"Tom Cruise's Millions" is the title of the BBC3 TV show (in the "Liquid Assets" series)I was appearing on in the UK this month. It went over well, according to my family and friends who saw it. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to contribute, even in a small way, some truth to the matter of Tom's connection with Scientology.
I also saw (here on alt.religion.scientology newsgroup and in "Celebrity" magazine's most recent slick and glossy cookie-cutter Scientology propaganda issue) information about Mr. Cruise's apparent fanaticism with the cult I know so well. The photo was very telling.
In a recent posting called "The Seven Year Ditch" I explained a little about how I have been slowly but surely recovering from being a Scientologist of the highest level and re-finding myself over a 7 year period. I do not, for one moment, regret leaving Scientology. The layers of conditioning, installed and drilled and run into former cult members such as myself peel off like sticky layers. The layers go away, one by one, and one re-finds one's own personality that had been covered-up by it without our knowing it. It really is like leaving the "Borg collective" (as on Star Trek) and regaining one's humanity. It is a hard road to travel back on, as it is a lonely road being distanced more and more from the seeming companionshipin the cult(really just group mind-set), but is in the ONLY road out. As Tory Christman so correctly stated; "The way out is through the door!" : )
The matter of Tom Cruise being such a dedicated and fanatical supporter of Scientology makes me feel some sadness and some compassion for him. Having been in the place where he is, having zealously supported the cult in bad times and good, having dedicated my life over a 24 year period, and my little half-million dollars (compared to Tom's millions) I now see how long will be the road to his recovery one day, if he ever makes it out.
Tom's love-fest with Scientology management, his blind put-down of all critics of Scientology (such as I am proud to be) are merely symptoms of a soul drowned in cult proaganda. I know it as I have been there too.
His use of his celebrity power to further Scientology's hoped-for expansion is very unfortunate. One day it may spell the end of his career, and the cult will dump him just as the movie-goers might. The lies that the cult propaganda machines spew out are based in deluded fantasy and brainwashed parroting of public relations platitudes. For those who have seen through the scam it is as embarassing as being at the fashion show of the emperor with no clothes.
But, Tom might say; "Scientology IS clearing the Planet!!"..and it is,...but not clearing it of what he might think! He probably thinks Scientology is clearing the planet of the "reactive mind" (an L.Ron Hubbard term from his old books from the 1950s). Scientology is, in my experience, clearing the planet of free-thinking people. The "fixed, dedicated glare' so much at the heart of being the "ideal Scientologist" is the face of the ultimate conditioned robot. The expression is one of gleefully unthinking other-determined purposefulness. it is the face of a hypnotic subject. It is a symptom of riding the avalanche-style momentum of "group think" like a star surfer riding a 40 foot swell. It is a symptom of somebody with their eyes wide shut. That is the face of a basic individual spiritual personality that has been utterly cleared away. Wow,..Scientology does clear the planet, Tom,....yes, it clears it of YOU!
I feel sorry for those still under the spell. Group hypnosis is a tough one to wake up from.
I hope that those that Tom Cruise might influence with his "celebrity star-power" to become assimilated into the Scientology collective do not go blind before they see what is happening to them. The truth will set you free, and the more truth about Scientology that gets known the more people will be immunized against the assimilation tactics of the Scientology cult madness. Hoping to see a planet cleared of Scientology and all cults may be a vain hope, but maybe not mission impossible.