Peter Alexander, President of the Totally Fun Company, who's image has graced the cover of Celebrity Magazine (Issue 229) and a promotional tape that's being shown CURRENTLY at the LA org has been found out to be a Neo-Nazi, KKK and a hate monger. Yes....SAD but true! That is if you believe the current flyers being handed out to our employees by the Religious Tolerance Foundation, a scn front group.
So which is it? Is the cult really promoting their "church" by using the image of someone that they describe as KKK, Neo Nazi and Hate monger?
YOU be the judge. Go by the LA org and watch their recruiting'll see Peter Alexander talking about how great scn is.
:-) P.S. Peter's no longer a member of the cult.....ask yourselves why they still use his image when they themselves describe him as such a criminal!
Best Regards
From: "Chip Gallo" <>
Subject: Re: SCN uses Neo-Nazi and KKK sympathizer in their PR
Message-ID: <QXuu5.169$>
Date: Sat, 09 Sep 2000 18:03:28 GMT
After you're out of the cult, anything goes as far as them trying to ruin
your reputation.
Seems like in Mr Alexander's case, defamation of character and outright lies would be fodder for legal action. Check on adding in damages to account for lost income. Consult a lawyer who is familiar with cult tactics, of course.
Oh, and a nice "cease and desist" order about using his likeness in advertising or training materials. He probably doesn't want the negative image that being associated with cult marketing would create for him. The legal advisors may have boilerplate for this kind of letter by now.
Chip Gallo Following the carefully researched route out of the Cult