I'm not sure how this works:
Sea Orgers who reincarnate millions of years from now on another planet need to look up some LRH document, so they zip over to earth and look for the CST logo from space. Finding it, they land nearby and look for a tunnel with a 6500 pound Mosler bank vault door, that's locked. But somehow they know the combination, and they go in and look through the index in English (I suppose they still know English?) that points them to the proper sealed case. They break open the seal and read the titanium-etched writings, make notes, put everything back in place, and head back to planet Blxzorb. And of course they CERTAINLY don't peak at any of the courses that are above their training, like pre-clears looking at OT 3 or something. I mean, in the future they have ETHICS.
This assumes many things, like the Sea Orger remembering who LRH is, that he is a Sea Orger, that the Hooters-like symbol will show him where the writings are, that they're on Teegeack, etc, etc. And btw, what's wrong with GPS? Or a homing signal being sent perpetually (say... are they doing this???)?
Just how is this supposed to work?
Why don't we have Logo Wars? Then we could broadcast to outer space "there's been a change. The Hooter's-like logo is now in the enemies' hands. Look instead for the SQUARE with the Diamond in it... that's the SQUARE with the Diamond..."
Mark Thorson wrote:
> What would happen if I carved a giant unauthorized CST logo
> into the desert somewhere? Would anybody go nuts?
> Imagine if there were 10 or 20 such things, all over the world.
> Could make life difficult for the UFO landing craft.
> Might be a fun project for outdoorsy people that venture
> into remote places. Instead of doing it myself, maybe
> I could offer an annual prize for the biggest one in the
> remotest place. Neatness counts. :-) OO