Weekly Report Moscow Mission 14 Feb. 1999
I arrived at the mission on 30 Jan. There were about 30 staff at muster, many, about 10 were late. I inspected the mission. It was dirty and messy, more than usual. The stats were all down, except for the WDAH, WDIC and STP. The GI was at about 600 dollars, very crashed.
I found that literally every successful action that my wife and i had put in last year had been dropped out. There are no more radio ads, until just the last week there had been no open house, they do not have a dianetics seminar at all! Now if some one wants to do the seminar they are sent to the course room. Last year the mission always had a whole big schedule of lectures and seminars each week, on children, study tech, Self Analysis Seminars, many events. These are now gone, almost entirely. I could list 20 or 30 changes in schedule of execs and staff, staff postings etc., The staff pay is almost non existent. The exchange rate now is 23 rubles to the dollar, last august it was 6 to the dollar. The average sallary, really the minimum to live is 100 dollars a month, this would be very basic survival. The staff pay is about 1 to 8 dollars a week. The ED Gennady was on full time correction at the OTL.
One of the first things I did was to meet with the acting ED, Anna ( normally the PES) to set up a series of lectures to public, which was a successful action earlier well they had already promoted some lectures for me but had decided that they should be free, because the public are poor, and "more people will come if they are free". I pulled the string on this and all the other changes I had found in my inspection and found the following; after the end of the Game last year, the mission stopped the radio ads (this was THE KEY action to get people to the open house on sat.} they said the regges were not selling enough courses and service and GI was low so they had to stop the ads, then because no ads, no people to open house, so the open house got cancelled too. According to the ED and the PES, there was a heavy concentration on getting FSS, PRPS and D 6 comps through the small cheap lectures and very little done on getting people on actual courses, so the paid lectures were cancelled. Of course through all these ‘handlings" the mission only got smaller. One point to add on the lectures and seminars, all through Russia in every mission I ever weat to the missions would give various 2 to 6 hour seminars on assists, children etc, what ever the public wanted, charge for them and usually count it on their stats of FSS, PRPS, D6 comps, and BIS.
Moscow had compared this to the stat glossary and AS it was not a standard service they stopped counting any lectures and seminars on these stats in December1998. Now all FSS are on approved checksheets.
Another observation is that the staff AS a group are very PTS, low have, can't have, enforced overt have. No one seems to mind about the low stats and low pay, very apathetic.
The actions I have taken so far are AS follows; I have announced to all the staff and execs, several times that we are going to get back EVERY SINGLE ONE of the old successful actions ASAP. I scheduled a series of paid lectures to call old off lines public in for. (Note, these lectures will count on the BIS stat and no other) I've met with the AD Council, Exec council and briefed the staff on PTSNESS , overts, ethics and discipline the idea that the problems in the Mission are caused by the economic situation, using refs. PTS personnel and finance, and Org ethics and Tech. My basic intention is to slam in ethics hard and one by one push back in each successful action now abandoned.
I issued orders to the staff on schedule, cleaning the mission, each staff is to sell 3 books a week to new public and hand out 500 flyers or else. I issued a personnel freeze effective immediatly.
I want to arrange to have the exec council, HAS and 2 ethics officers sent to the OTL asap to do a training line up which includes the St Hat, OEC 0, Ethics Specialist Course and the PTS SP course. My plan is to get them over there in 2 or 3 weeks once all the dust settles. I'm not sure who will be the ED, the CO SMI is planning on removing Gennady. And 2 of the 3 Exec secs contracts are almost up (ANNA,PES and OXANA OES) I want to have them resign before I will send them or find replacements.
I have been in daily comm with the CO SMI on the Mission and plans.
There is a Dianetics campaign I/P and we are coordinating this and getting back in the radio ad/open house line ASAP.