Here the translation of what i said in french.
(j'ai obtenu ça par un contact préfecture... c'est d'autant plus amusant que
les scientologues annoncent que leur manifestation aura quand-même lieu,
voir en dessous, la dépèche AFP qui contredit tout à fait ce que dit la
According to the décret-loi du 23 octobre 1935 regulating measures relative
to enforcement of public order measures,
Considering l'article L.2512-13 of the general code of territorial
collectivities which specifies that in Paris City, the Police Prefet
exercizes powers and authorities conferred through the edict of 12 Messidor
An VIII [a date from the Revolution period, NOT], determining the Paris
Police Prefet role , and the modifying articles
Considering the Penal Code,
Considering the declaration of 6 oct 2000 through which M. Michel Raoust,
president of the french committee of scientologists against discrimination,
association whose QG is 8, Lyon street, in Paris 12, has made known his
intention to organize an event on the public street, aimed to awareness
freedom, on october 23d 2000, between 12 and 4:30 pm, from the Place de la
Bastille to the Place de la République;
Considering that it was made known to Paris Police Préfecture an important risk of excess and violence and severe troubles to the public order during the planned meeting;
Considering that the high number of participants announced by organizers and the duration of this manifestation, do not seem to make possible, in the context of actual tension, to be able to guarantee the public order being necessary during such a large event, such was declared by the french committee of scientologists against discrimination, Considering that consequently, it has been many times proposed that such meeting could be held statically so as to limitate the possible excesses, but that this proposal has been rejected by the organizers, Considering finally that holding this event on such route and on such date for this important manifestation, can block the road traffic in this sensitive area of the Capital;
Due to urgency, DECIDE Article 1er Aforementioned event is forbidden.
Article 2
The General Director of Public Order and the Director of Judiciary Police
must, each one for his area, to execute this decision.
Le Préfet de Police,
Philippe MASSONI
(Now the AFP dispatch from scienos: it looks that they want to do it
neverthelmess, in violation of the law and edict; this could lead some of
them in jail (proabbly something they want as it could place them as
"victims"!! and they would twist its significance for their US govt puppets)
Sectes-Scientologie Loi antisectes: manifestation de
l'Eglise de scientologie lundi à Paris
20/10/2000 16:07:56
FRS0652 4 G
Anticult law: event from scientology church monday in Paris
PARIS, 20 oct (AFP) - The church of scientology organizes
monday at 1 pm, an event against the anticult Bill soon examined through the
Senate, which constitutes according to it "the modern form of Inquisition".
In a press release friday, the church of scientology asks also to the dissolution of the mission interministérielle de lutte contre les sectes (MILS) and the demotion of his president Alain Vivien.
Church of scientology, whose international QG is in USA, estimates itself victim of "religious discrimination" in some european countries, noticeably in France, where some parliament reports classed it into the most dangerous cults.
It has been incriminated in many suits those last years , some of its
members having been sentenced for fraud.
The Paris section of the church of scientology has been asked to respond as
an entity for "fraud attempts", and infractions to computer files on private
persons, despite those persons having opposed to such files.
AFP 201554
roger gonnet
Le Secticide
KKKGB: Kriminal Kult Killers Gang's Bird.