Here is the list of delegates from USA (the largest national delegation, since the thing was done in New York) from various denominations.
This comes from, a serious religious site linked tru UN sites None announced to be a scientologist; some of them did not announce their "faith" (I've detached them from the others, but that means not a lot, as scienos coudl have some "christians" or whatever declared, while spying there for "clamreligion") They were 680 participants.
The USA refused the participation from one of the most known heads of religions: the Dalaļ Lama was ousted from the invitations done, for US wanted to be in good terms with their new targeted market: China. (that's also why they do'nt say a lot about China's exactions against Falun Gong and other religious or pseudo-religious communities) Here are the name. If someone has some time to compare it with scientology guys...
Abdalla Khalid Muslim USA
Abdur-Rashid Talib Muslim USA
Adair Thelma Christian USA
Ahderom Techeste Bahai USA
Ali Abdallah Latif Muslim USA
Ali Abdallah Latif Muslim USA
Ali Farida Muslim USA
Alkhateeb Sharifa Muslim USA
Amritamandamayi Devi Mata Hindo USA
Angha Seyedeh Nahid Muslim USA
Araujo Elizabeth Indigenous USA
Assilmi Aminah Muslim USA
Banks Rosa Taylor Christian USA
Barsamian Khajak USA
Bemporad Jack Jewish USA
Berry Thomas Christian USA
Bhagavati Ma Java Sati Hindu USA
Bhajan Yogi Sikh Dharma of the Western Hemisphere USA
Bhikkhu Bimal Buddhist USA
Billie Danny Indigenous USA
Billie(Billie) Bobby Indigenous USA
Bolchunos Julie Christian USA
Bua Swami Hindu USA
Buehrens John Unitarian Universities USA
Buehrens (Buehrens) Given Langdor Unitarian Universities USA
Cardinal Don Indigenous USA
Casson Lloyd S. Christian USA
Choi Seung Koo USA
Choloyan Oshagan Christian USA
Cizik Richard Christian USA
Cloud Sandy USA
Cox Harvey Christian USA
Daughtry Herbert Christian USA
Dieye Abdoulaye Muslim USA
Downey Fred Coyote Indigenous USA
Durkee Nooruddeen Muslim USA
Edwards Michael USA
Ehrenkranz Joseph H. Jewish USA
Franklin Robert Christian USA
Garcia Jorge Indigenous USA
Ghose Chinmoy K. Hindu USA
Glosser Danielle Jewish USA
Grey Eddie Indigenous USA
Gualinga Toala Paul Indigenous USA
Halftown Clint Indigenous USA
Halftown Clint Indigenous USA
Hamid Shabahang-Fand Christian USA
Hamlin Beverly Anne Christian USA
Hamlin (Hamlin) Bryan T. USA
Hertzberg Arthur Jewish USA
Higgs Sr. Lawton Christian USA
Hill Darwin Indigenous USA
Hill Sidney Indigenous USA
Holmes Olivia Christian USA
Hoover Melvin Unitarian Universalist USA
Hubbard Benjamin Jewish USA
Huffines - National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the US Jeffery
Baha'i USA
Hurty Kathleen S. Christian USA
Hurty ( Hurty) David Christian USA
Intaka Ashin Buddhist USA
Jackson Edison O. Christian USA
Jackson Edison O. Christian USA
Jackson Emerson Indigenous USA
Jacobs Betty Indigenous USA
Jacobs Betty Indigenous USA
Jacques Freida J. Indigenous USA
James Sarah Indigenous USA
Johnson Kristen Lynn Christian USA
Johnson Vincente Indigenous USA
Johnson Vincente Indigenous USA
Jueren Dechan Buddhist USA
Kairaivak Apanguluk Indigenous USA
Kaplan Martin Jewish USA
Kavakci Merve Muslim USA
Kazmi (Abdol-Majid Al-Khoei) Sayyed Muslim USA
Kenney Cetta Christian USA
Kenney ( Kenney) Jim Christian USA
Khan Irfan Ahmad Muslim USA
Khan Vilayat Inayat Sufi USA
Khan Zia Inayat Sufi USA
Kireopoulos Antonios Greek Orthodox USA
Laffin Margaret Indigenous USA
Landress Lauren Self realization fellowship USA
Larocque Wylee Indigenous USA
Larocque (Cree) Francis Indigenous USA
Laverdure Betty Indigenous USA
Livingston Michael Christian USA
Lobenstine Clark Christian USA
Looking Horse Arvol USA
Lucero Jose H. Indigenous USA
Lyberth Angaangaq Indigenous USA
Maharaj Brahmachari Hindu USA
Malik Mujahid Abdul Muslim USA
Marsh Richard Christian USA
Marshall Katherine WFDD USA
May Felton Edwin Christian USA
Mayo Marjorie Indigenous USA
Mc Cluskey Robert E. Swedenborgian USA
McCloud Janet Indigenous USA
Medicine Crow Joe Indigenous USA
Medicine Crow ( Old Coyote) Darrin Indigenous USA
Mehta Mahesh J. Hindu USA
Mitchell Joyce Indigenous USA
Mobbir Sameer Muslim USA
Moses Minerva Indigenous USA
Muniji Amernder Jain USA
Nakagaki T. Kenjitsu Buddhist USA
Nasr Seyyed Hossein Muslim USA
Nelson Sara Christian USA
Njoku Fahmed Christian USA
Nyanissara Ashin Buddhist USA
Onyeama Jubi Christian USA
Paiva Netto Jose de Christian USA
Palaniswami USA
Pandya Mahendra Jain USA
Patterson-Nechahawathad Stuart Indigenous USA
Pawlikowski Ph.D. John Christian USA
Phangcham Chuen Buddhist USA
Piyatissa Kuanegoda Buddhist USA
Rao Seshagiri Hindu USA
Rashid Ahmed Abdur- Muslim USA
Resnicoff Arnold E. Jewish USA
Rudin James Jewish USA
Saraswati Prakashanand Hindu USA
Saraswati Murugananda Hindu USA
Sharan Keshava USA
Sharan Keshava USA
Shareef Wahyud Deen Muslim USA
Sharif M.A USA
Shastri Madhavpriyadas Hindu USA
Shenandoah Jessica Jeanne Indigenous USA
Skidders Iekanatsiasere Indigenous USA
Smith- Jones Marie Indigenous USA
Sohn In Hwa Christian USA
Stewart Peter Christian USA
Streets Fredericks Christian USA
Strong Maurice USA
Subramuniyaswami Sivaya Hindu USA
Subramuniyaswami (Palaniswami) Acharya Hindu USA
Swamp Jake Indigenous USA
Teal Estes Muslim USA
Theophilus Zacharias Christian USA
Thompson Howard Indigenous USA
Tiwari Maya Hindu USA
Tucker Mary Evelyn Christian USA
Turfe Tallal Muslim USA
Tyou Mark Christian USA
Uchida Mark Christian USA
Upadhye Jaykumar Jain USA
Van Verschuer Wolter Christian USA
Vasudev Roy Christian USA
Waterman Denice Indigenous USA
Webster Denice Indigenous USA
Webster Dorothy Indigenous USA
Webster Karen Indigenous USA
Weiner Dorothy Indigenous USA
West Karen Indigenous USA
Williams William A. Christian USA
Zachariah Osamu Rosan Buddhist USA
Zamata Japa Anthony J. Christian USA
Not suprisingly, clams have'nt been able to make France a "amjor point of
religious intolerance" - or Germany, Austria, Belgium etc. Apart from
Balkans countries and their war, still "in progress", no european country
is named as a major religious-killer !
Peace partners are (no scientology front there? How come? - unless the earth
council? or the council for a parliament of world religions ? a^ppeal of
conscience foundation? etc... some of them whould be searched by those
having some time left to check all those and some others as well)
The Scholar's Group at Harvard Divinity School
Harvard University Center for the Study of World Religions
The United Nations University for Peace
The Earth Council
World Faiths Development Dialogue
Modi Foundation
World Conference on Religion and Peace
Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions
Interfaith Center of New York
Hinduja Foundation
Alliance of Religions and Conservation
Appeal of Conscience Foundation
Forum on Religion and Ecology
National Conference on Community and Justice
Appeal of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates for the Children of the World
World Resources Institute
Sternberg Centre
Global Dialogue Institute
SPONSORS UN Foundation/Better World Fund
Ford Foundation
Ruder Finn Inc.
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Carnegie Foundation
Modi Foundation
Sukyo Mahikari
Korean Delegation
Japanese Delegation
Greenville Foundation
Sternberg Foundation
Appeal of Conscience Foundation
roger gonnet
Le Secticide
KKKGB: Kriminal Kult Killers Gang's Bird.