Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology From: Subject: Important data on ars Message-ID: <> References: Organization: L.A. Valley College Public BBS (818)985-7150 X-Mailer: TBBS/PIMP v3.35/PRIMP 1.56p Distribution: world Date: Thu, 06 Jul 95 11:35:11 -0700 Lines: 50 wbarwell@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM (William Barwell) >Riddle me this? > >What was L. Ron Hubbard's favorite drug? Ewuu, oh! I know this question was meant for ConArtist, but I think I know the answer. Tubbard's favorite drug was POWER. He demanded anyone in his sphere of influence subject themselves to it, or forever be his enemy. His whole "philosophy" for his subjects demands subjugattion of onesself to the only source of capital-tee Truth: hiM. His whole organization and "therapy" is based on this principle. "Just do as I say and all will be well." - Tubbard >Pope Charles >SubGenius Pope Of Houston >Slack! I almost didn't see this part. >According to a letter he wrote Mary Sue Hubbard, a letter that was >introduced in court during the Armstrong trials, LRH admited he was >popping lots of "pinks and greys" Barbituates and amphetamines. >Plus drinking lots of rum. This circa 1968. >See Miller, Bare Faced Messiah and Atack, A Piece Of Blue Sky. He was definately into pill-popping. What a hypocrite. >Ron abused uppers and downers. No wonder Scientology's belief seem like >they were written by a drug addled drunk. They were. >Tell us about the Marcabs, ConArtistR. > >Pope Charles >SubGenius Pope Of Houston >Slack! +--------------------------------------+ Rev. Dennis L Erlich * * the inFormer * * + "tar baby"