Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology From: Subject: AB REVIEW..FOR TOM K. Message-ID: <> Organization: L.A. Valley College Public BBS (818)985-7150 X-Mailer: TBBS/PIMP v3.35 Distribution: world Date: Wed, 09 Aug 95 08:42:05 -0700 Lines: 100 (R Agent) >>Suggesting that and caltech were >>irrelevant from an information gathering viewpoint (ie they already >>knew what they were ostensibly looking for), is byzantine. Me: > I've assumed that the Penet raid was after *all* the > identities using the site. That's what the scienos asked > for, wasn't it? The whole thing was probably a ruse to get > the user list from the anonymous site. Rogue: >This is a possibility. If this is true then -AB- was acting under orders >and with management's blessing, and the Caltech hunt was window >dressing. Yes? Well, it also served the purpose of putting another provider on notice that if there was any hanky-panky with scieno droppings on internet from their site, the scienos would be all over them like flies on sh*t. That could have been more than a collateral benifit. >>Someone was suggesting that the whole caltech incident was staged just >>to add credibility to OT. I'm glad you aren't following in that >>delusion. > > This doesn't connect. > >It's what someone suggested. It also follows from the idea that the >penet raid was planned and staged, not reactive. Of course it was not reactive. It had to be all lined up to come off. I'm sure a lot of planning and calling in favors went into it. >If penet was staged to >get the whole database and it wasn't just an afterthought ("hey, while >we're there let's see if we can get the whole thing!") then they knew who >-AB- was and the hunt for him at Caltech was a farce. Or -ab- messed up by posting the Wollard thing's statement prematurely and refused to "come in" for correction. Or perhaps he went "rogue". >>I'm not starting from -any- premise. It seems to be others who are >>stsrting with the premise that she's guilty (of something). I'm being >>skeptical of that. > > No. The premise is that she's deeply involved and perhaps > even an agent of the scieno conspiracy that attempted to > silence my access to internet, frame Tom, compromise Penet > and generally trample all over everyone's free speech rights > on internet. > >I think my word "guilty" is shorthand for what you write above. "Suspect" is the correct word. She is suspect. >I'm not >starting from that premise, and I haven't seen enough clear evidence that >forces me to accept it. You're not starting from the premise that Tumor has clearly done and said things which place her within a small circle of "those in the know" about the Blood Attack? > Rogue, I find it curious that you didn't correct me when I > falsely assumed that you were the one Tumor "deputized" to > investigate. You've never been shy to correct me before, and > I count on my friends for reality-checking and course > correction. > >I still say nobody "deputized" me. I started this on my own. Various >people have entrusted me with various pieces of information. Am I >deputized by all of them? > > What gives? Why didn't you tell me I was wrong about it? > I'm perplexed at your silence about my obvious error. Please > explain. > >Who says she only gave it to one person? She. >It was given in strict confidence. I don't break confidences easily, >The end does not justify the means. > > RA You and "the boys" are having a bit of a laugh at the expense of our humble and long-suffering Narrator? +--------------------------------------+ Rev. Dennis L Erlich * * the inFormer * * + "tar baby"