Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology From: Subject: THE NON-SCANDAL OF AN Message-ID: <> References: Organization: L.A. Valley College Public BBS (818)985-7150 X-Mailer: TBBS/PIMP v3.35 Distribution: world Date: Tue, 19 Sep 95 17:03:28 -0700 Lines: 52 (Bruce Scott TOK ) Me: >[on Greenberg's departure] >: Like I care. So far he has not contributed anything but >: pomposity, demand for decorum, and reasons to give up rights. >: I know you two are gonna have some halfast Farewell Cruel Ars >: post like we've seen so many times before from such notables >: as Jackfarmer and Jet. I call it doing a nixon. > >: "You won't have me to kick around any more." > >: If you want to leave. Go on ahead. Somehow we'll manage. >: If you want to stay. I'm not gonna stop you. Bruce: >I agree with you rather fully here. Andy really lost it with his exit; >I had expected better. I am going to have to retract a post or two, it >would seem. I knew when shaken, the real Andy and his real opinions would drop into sight. You notice I am the same obnoxious a-hole I have always been. But I take no pride in getting him to tell us what he really thinks of us. S'not fun being "mean". >: But I might pull you over and check to see if your "papers >: are in order". :) > >Watch it there... like you, I march to no drum but my own. Youareundermycontrol. Youareundermycontrol. Youareundermycontrol. Yahaha. >Hang tough, Dennis, we are on the same side. Everyone's on the same side ... eventually. The other side. >But the details will often differ. That's why God made individuals. To be catalysts. +--------------------------------------+ Rev. Dennis L Erlich * * the inFormer * * + "tar baby"