Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology From: Subject: JUDGE WHYTE UPHOLD Message-ID: <> Organization: L.A. Valley College Public BBS (818)985-7150 X-Mailer: TBBS/PIMP v3.35 Distribution: world Date: Tue, 26 Sep 95 16:35:10 -0700 Lines: 53 Ron Newman >Dennis, will you reply to this particular statement >by Andy Milne? I assume he's lying as usual.... > > Yes. Just as they defied Judge Kane's order, they will defy > Judge Whyte's. > > Finally, I want to add an example which makes it very > apparent that Dennis Erlich plays fast and loose with the > truth: The Church returned to Erlich and his lawyer all the > material seized during the raid at his house already in March > of this year. > > Total, flat-out lie! > > Yet, if one were to believe Erlich's postings > on a.r.s., one would get a completely different impression. > This kind of behavior comes under the heading of "extreme > dishonesty." > > The kult has not returned: > > 1) Any of the Sekrit Droppings they took from my house on > February 13th. > > 2) The tape backup they took of my complete hard drive. > > 3) My February bank statement number to my ex-wife so she could come out from hiding > under her rock to levy against the account>. > > 4) A transcript of a taped debate between Hever Jentshe and > me on KFI radio from 1991. > > 5) A demo tape of several of my hottest tunes. released> > > 6) Various other items that have yet to be determined > because no inventory was allowed when the materials were > illegally taken from my home. Oh yes, and ... 7) 4 rolls of film taken of every room, closet and drawer in my house the day of the raid. +--------------------------------------+ Rev. Dennis L Erlich * * the inFormer * * + "tar baby"