Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology From: Subject: TOTAL VICTORY FOR THE CHU Message-ID: <> References: <> Organization: L.A. Valley College Public BBS (818)985-7150 X-Mailer: TBBS/PIMP v3.35 Distribution: world Date: Wed, 04 Oct 95 15:18:23 -0700 Lines: 41 >RTna 10/03/95 2144 Court to take custody of Scientology Church files > DENVER (Reuter) - A federal judge said Tuesday he will take custody of >materials the Church of Scientology says include its secret beliefs, thus >avoiding pressing church leaders into violating their faith. Did he back away from ordering them retruned to Wollersheim and Penny? > U.S. District Court Judge John Kane said his decision will not require >church officials to break religious rules against giving up the >confidential material. Which they stole. > But church leaders argued in Kane's court Monday they would place >their souls in jeopardy by handing over the materials because it is a >damnable sin for them to release the secret beliefs, which were written by >Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. Plus it ruins the scam if the mark knows the switch. > Kane said his ruling avoids this problem because it orders the >church's lawyers - not its officials - to hand over the material. But to him instead of Wollersheim's lawyer? > "Accordingly, my order cannot be perceived as requiring (the church) >to violate any religious belief, nor constitute a threat to a central tenet >of the religion," Kane wrote. This is where the kult really hides its dirty little secrets behind the robes of ligitimate religions. Disgusting spectacle. +--------------------------------------+ Rev. Dennis L Erlich * * the inFormer * * + "tar baby"