Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology From: Subject: SCIENTOLOGY ORDERS MU Message-ID: <> Organization: L.A. Valley College Public BBS (818)985-7150 X-Mailer: TBBS/PIMP v3.35 Distribution: world Date: Sun, 10 Dec 95 13:10:40 -0800 Lines: 38 (Cory Brennan) wrote: > Near the middle of this excerpt, Scarff testifies that scientology agents > ordered him to murder two people, Cynthia Kisser and Ford Greene. > > > The entire Scarff deposition can be obtained from the file >, which is available as /pub2/factnet/ > The file is about 23 Megs and contains much useful material. Miss OSAthing: >Why didn't you tell people here that Scarff admitted that he used to lie >for the Cult Awareness Network during their fund raisers? He helped them >raise quite a bit of money with his lies about relatives (who were alive >and well) dying in cults. > >So this just goes right along with his other lies, doesn't it? > >But critics of Scientology on ARS seem to like to use the known and >admitted chronic liars as their main sources of information on Scientology >(witness Fishman, Scarff, etc). > >Cory I've got it, Miss Thing! You slime can pay him to repudiate his decalaration just like you did with Vicki Aznaran. Meantime, I believe the sworn declaration. +--------------------------------------+ Rev. Dennis L Erlich * * the inFormer * *