Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology From: Subject: VIEWPOINTS ON SCIENTOLOGY Message-ID: <> References: <4au4g0$> Organization: L.A. Valley College Public BBS (818)985-7150 X-Mailer: TBBS/PIMP v3.35 Distribution: world Date: Mon, 18 Dec 95 18:42:59 -0800 Lines: 65 (KEN BLACK) >Hello Thomas. you asked me how I view the Scientology raids on Dennis >erlich and some other people. I do not have the data on those incidents >so I will not make any kind of call on them. I am smart enough not to >trust internet data. I will say this though. I believe there is always >a lot more going on than you or I know. I have decided to align myself >with the C.O.S. I have looked it over well and have been involved with >the church for 5 years and still have not seen any reason to doubt any >moves the church makes. You know, it is easy to listen to this guy and >that guy and maybe ask for advise and then figure out what you want to >do. But the guy who gives you advise is giving it to you from his point >of view. I can adopt somebody elses point of view or I can have my own >point of view. I have learned that even though it may be tough it is >better to honestly develop your own philosophies. There are people who >se way of looking at life is very different than mine. I don't mind >listening - maybe there is something to it. If I decide I don't want it >I discard it. I can be shown volumes of "proof" of Scientology >wrongdoings. It would not compare with the good that I have seen >Scientology do. I have read Scn. books, taken Scn. courses, and >recieved auditing and have audited others. If Scn. has done wrong (and >I doubt that it has) the good that it has done and is doing outweighs >any wrongdoing a million to one. So when they came into my house and searched every drawer and closet, copied my hard disk, deleted whatever they wanted from by computer, took boxes of my property, left without giving me an inventory and refused to give the stuff they stole back even after the judge ruled the raid unconstitutional and ordered them to, it was outweighed by all the good they do? Is that what you are saying, Ken? You have not even a Class 4 auditor are you? >So, this is my point of view on the >subject. You don't have to agree with this but you can see that this is >how I feel. By the way, I understand the Scn. critics point of view. I >just do not agree with it. I look forward to hearing from you. >Ken Black Are you on staff? What is your post? What is your Grade of Release? What is your level of training? Tell us a bit about yourself. Get out of NE. Don't be shy. We can see you can communicate. This is good, no? We'll get in comm, okay? I'll tell you about my experiences in the C-org as Chief Cramming Officer, Flag and you can tell me about your wins on Upper Indoc TRs and Book 1 auditing. How 'bout it? +--------------------------------------+ Rev. Dennis L Erlich * * the inFormer * *