Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology From: Subject: B.O. POLICY LETTER? (WAS Message-ID: <> Organization: L.A. Valley College Public BBS (818)985-7150 X-Mailer: TBBS/PIMP v3.35 Distribution: world Date: Fri, 22 Dec 95 18:46:52 -0800 Lines: 33 (Curtis R. Anderson) (Bubba The love sponge) wrote: >I live near Clearwater and they own almost the entire town...Has anyone >else noticed that most of them have really bad B.O.? Curtis: >Isn't that out-Ethics? Dennis? These are the kinds of questions I love to field. No it's not out-ethics to have body odor. Quite the contrary. It is totally unacceptable to wear *any* FRAGRANCE at *any* time. Tubby had a thing about "foreign smells" which might mask another's "real" odors. He also had a thing about dust. But he couldn't write a policy forbidding it. >What about that "B.O." PL? "Everybody must wear a deodorant" or words to >that effect? I'd quote it verbatum if my rights to preach what my conscience impells me to had not been seriously abridged. It says that fragrance is a eVil pSychE pLOt to steal our thetans and cover up crimes. Too bad I can't quote it to you. >Curtis R. Anderson, "Official Chicken Breeder of Hill 10", SP 2.5?, KoX Rev. Dennis L Erlich * * the inFormer * *