Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology From: Subject: AFTER BRINKEMA, WHAT' Message-ID: <> References: <4e88us$> Organization: L.A. Valley College Public BBS (818)985-7150 X-Mailer: TBBS/PIMP v3.35 Distribution: world Date: Thu, 25 Jan 96 14:56:21 -0800 Lines: 169 (Grady Ward) >Fuck you Capricorn. And the poodle you rode in on. >You are boring. And cowardly. >Obviously you are an ex-scientologist. Still infected with cult-think. >That is why you counsel to take the cowardly path >EVEN though the truth is on our side. Yea. On our side. >You may very well be correct in your prognostications. But your flatulence still stinks. >So? Soldier may walk into battle knowing that they or >some of their comrades may never come back. For the sake of perserving freedom. >Scientology MUST be fought lest it flourishes in the >gloom of fatalism and simple pursuit of what is comfortable. The scienos are planning their own Brave New World were all us wogs will be re-educated, cleared or subjected to "ethics." >By the way, *I* never forget injury either. Take that >to Petrolia, Eugen, Helena, and David "Napoleon of Nutz" >Miscavige. I've made a little list, too, G-Man. It's already been checked twice for who's been naughty. Soon the nulling will begin. Anonymous Capricorn ( wrote: >: The latest turn of events with the Lerma decision is >: making my earlier predictions gain more credibility. Feeling a lack of credibility? Can't imagine why. >: The Scientologists are going to take the Lerma victory >: now and use it to crush Lerma and make an example out of >: him. They will then use this as a precedent to follow the >: same pattern in the Erlich and FACTNet cases. They will now >: force the insurance company to spend the rest of the policy >: coverage to pay their fees so Wollersheim and FACTNet have >: no money to defend against a Summary Judgment in Denver. >: This will then not be well defended and they will put >: Wollersheim in a similar position. Lerma/Factnet is one thing. Erlich/Klemesrud/Netcom is another. None of us have blinked. This case is not going anywhere. MoFo is in for the "Long Haul". >: Now that they have the advantage, they will start >: piling on and the predicted RICO suit will be based on a >: conspiracy theory that various posters have engaged in a >: coordinated plan to violate their copyrights. Ooo. I'm petrified! >: Those not firmlly on board in the face of predicted >: legal hassles will turn over private e-mail and mailing >: lists, escalating the invasion of privacy that the cult will >: exploit to ruthless new proportions. And the sky ... isn't it gonna fall, too? >: They have been compiling data for this over the past >: few months at least. Don't underestimate their ability to >: collect and put together data that will make such an >: argument that will be attractive to a judge. They will >: likely select a venue where they have a judge that has ruled >: favorably for them before. As the "conspiracy" will be from >: points across the U.S. they will use this to justify forum >: shopping. Wow. Pestilence, famine and earthquakes? >: They will name many defendants in this suit and force >: them to hire attorneys and be deposed and will gather more >: evidence to shore up their complaint. This is a usual >: tactic. They will name people who they don't have enough >: evidence on when they file the suit with the idea that they >: will create it as the suit goes along, and in the meantime >: they will harass them with PIs and instrusive depositions. If it gets too hot, no one will be blamed for getting out of the kitchen. You included. Despite the fact that you've never really arrived. >: Some people still seem to think they will get away with Get away with. Nicely phrased, you poor neurotic soul. >: making fun of the Church. No matter how many times I've >: tried to warn you, you don't seem to get it. Homer, is that you? >: The Scientologists never forget. They are not afraid >: to go after anyone who upsets them. If you didn't learn >: that lesson from seeing how they went after the U.S. >: Government and especially the IRS, then you don't deserve to >: be warned. Thank you, Oh Fearful Leader, for warning us deluded fools. >: Face reality. The games being played on a.r.s. are childish. By simply exercizing our rights, we are costing the scienos millions of dollars and saving thousands of potential victims. >: People rise to the bait of Vera, Milne, Ivan and >: company like fools. They are trolls - creating "evidence." Evidence of what, Dick Tracy? >: I am only trying to save a few who don't seem to >: recognize what they are playing with. You are right. The sciens are very dangerous. Buyer (and critic) beware. >: It's easy to sit at >: your computer and be a smart ass until it happens to you. And after, too. >: I'm sure Arnie Lerma would second my sentiments here. I'm not. My guess is that he thinks what he sacrificed (it was considerable) was worth it. >: This is not a game that can be won by amateurs. Leave it to the professionals like you, eh Dick? >:The >: Scientologists have had years of practice and they have >: millions of dollars and some very tough lawyers. I'm positively cowering (in the theta universe). >: Mark my words. Next we will see an onslaught in Denver >: and San Jose, followed shortly by a massive RICO suit that >: will have many defendants. The Scientologists won't ever >: stop - they are fanatics. Spare us from this pathetic drivel. While I have no problem facing down the scienos, your snivelling makes me wanna puke. >: Capricorn Rev. Dennis L Erlich * * the inFormer * *