Anonymous asked this question on 5/12/2000:
How do I tell if I am depressed. For the last few years I've just been feeling blue. Nothing seems to interest me anymore. I started feeling this way after losing a family member a few years ago and can't seem to shake it. I tried counseling but without much sucess. It is difficult for me to feel comfortable opening up to people. How do I overcome this problem.
siobhan gave this response on 5/15/2000:
You are suffering from depression because this feeling has lasted more than 3 weeks. It hasn't lifted , it's been consistent. You might have post traumatic stress disorder caused by the death or the death just triggered the depression. It's more than an episode because it's lasted more than a year. It sounds low grade, not too sever that is. Talk to your medical doctor first. Maybe your problem is biological, as hormone imbalance or anemia. Talk about it with the professionals in your area. Your doctor first, and he'll hook you up with the others in the community.
Good luck siobhan
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