apollonia asked this question on 5/7/2000:
I have been depressed for about two years, I am 18 years old, in college. Even though it was hard for me, I finally had the guts to go to counselling this year. I was quickly diagnosed by a doctor (as if I needed it confirmed) to have severe depression. He prescribed a heavy dose of effexor and suggested I keep on with the counselling. But I hated counselling, so I quit, and I refuse to take medication, for a lot of reasons.... and I know rejecting help is my fault, but I still wish I had somewhere else to go... I want desperately to feel good and go on with life, but I jsut can't make myself because on some level I really don't want to get better... I don't feel I deserve it. So now I am backing myself into this aweful place with nowhere to go... any thoughts? (besides suicide...)
scaredlove gave this response on 5/9/2000:
hey, appollonia,
listen to me, there is a better place for u to go then beside suicide. You have to ask yourself why don't u deserve to get help? u are a human and make mistakes just like everyone else. you can go to a group counseling session and bring a close friend who understands your depression and maybe u will feel more comfterable if u want to let me more about your depression email me at kittykat85_00@yahoo.com i am here anytime and i will correspond with you about this issue u have to learn to love yourself it is not an easy thing to do trust me.
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