Anonymous asked this question on 4/29/2000:
I feel like I have been locked up forever. My feelings are just know started to come out. I'm not sure if what I am feeling is depression or if it is something else. My family has treated me bad for a long time. I haven't ever said anything because I didn't know how and now that I have told a couple people I feel said and lonely all the time like no one understands. I guess what I need is probably someone just to talk to and understand me. I don't think that someone who is 16 should feel this way. Maybe someone can help me. Bye
Desertphile gave this response on 4/30/2000:
Hi. Please note that I am not a doctor:
There are some questionsI would ask you, and perhaps you will answer them in a follow-up (there is a link on this reply for the follow-up from yourself).
First off, if you do not mind my asking such a personal question: is there physical abuse?
Second, have you felt isolated and alone most of your life, or is your concern about what you think might be depression rather new?
Third, do you go to a high school where there is a counselor on staff that you can talk to?
I agree that it is next to impossible to talk to one's family about such things. If you cannot bring yourself to do so, an adult at school might be available. It is unfortunate that most people your age do not have peers (others your age) to talk to about such serious concerns.
Please consider answering my questions, and perhaps I can help you discover a means to help yourself.
Anonymous asked this follow-up question on 4/30/2000:
Hi, Yes there is a bit of physical abuse. My dad hits me a lot. He has ever since I was 12. I have felt this way for a while but it is rather new to me. It is hard to understand myself because I don't understand my feelings. I don't go to high school. I'm homeschooled. The highschool has a counselor but she won't talk to anyone unless they attend school there. I have tried to talk to a really close friend who is an adult. He told me to go see a couselor. I hope that gives you a clearer state of where I am. Bye
Desertphile gave this response on 4/30/2000:
Hi. Thank you for the feedback.
I confess to be stymied about your concern. Since you do not go to a public school, it seems that counselor is not available. If you were older than 16 you could look in your phone book and call city or state services and ask for counseling free of charge: many cities have such services. But I suspect a legal minor would require a parent's permission first.
My only suggestion left is to ask one of your parents for permission to see a state counselor and ask that parent to set it up for you, take you there, etc. Unfortunately many parents will not do this because they believe that it is an insult to them and their parenting skills.
I'm truely sorry I cannot offer some form of hope and help other than via one of your parents. It is very much a shame, but that's how society is built. One must generally get parental approval before some forms of counseling.
Have you considered asking a church minister or priest? One need not join, or even be religious, to seek help there. I normally would never make the suggestion, but that's the only alternative I can think of at the moment. Most Catholic priests are trained to counsel people.
Anonymous asked this follow-up question on 4/30/2000:
I will not go and see a priest. I'm not a religious person so that is why. I have talked to that one guy that I told you about. He is a cop and he is going to try and help me because he said I looked worst than what I did before he talked to me. Thank you for your help though.
Desertphile gave this response on 5/1/2000:
I'm glad there is a police friend you can talk with. I never thought of that!
I agree with your aprehension about talking to a priest. They often give "religious advice" which does not help most people.
Please take care of yourself, and good luck.
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