Anonymous asked this question on 4/26/2000:
I have had feelings of being different and alone most of my life (I am 28). At age 19, I attempted suicide. After that, I just accepted the way I felt as a permenant thing. Last year, I was in a extremely mentally situation and was diagnosed as having severe/major depression. I was prescribed Prozac and although I didn't feel "better" I felt numb to the pain. I stopped taking it for fear of my military career. (the military is unaware of my suicide attempt and my diagnosis). Now the feelings are being more and more prevalent. Do you think I need to back on the medication?
sabbath1 gave this response on 4/28/2000:
Hello my name is: Dr. Joseph J. Miraglia DD Ph.D. Site:
Please come visit my site read it and think about what you have read and if you want help contact me...
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