justin15 asked this question on 4/26/2000:
the love of my life has left me and i cannot cope anymore ,i just wanna end it ,i feel i cant live without her what can i do all i want is my life back with her but she wont even talk to me ive never cheated always done the right thing now look what happens ive been with her 8 years married for 3 may 10 .any help would be greatly appreciated .justin
karunap gave this response on 4/27/2000:
I have several suggestions.
I recommend you get connected with a therapist right away. This is a crisis time for you and it is imortant you have support. Find a therapist that will support you in feeling your feelings instead of medicating them away.
Next, start doing daily work to move the feelings through your body.... especially anger work. Spend 15-60 minutes a day of feeling work for at least three weeks and then do it 3 to 5 times a week at least.
There are many forms. Some examples:
Write lists of mads, sads and scares. Journal about past and present feelings, Feel them as you write. Write angry letters and then destroy them Twist a towel Pound a pillow. Push against a wall pretending you are pushing away people you are angry with. Scream into a pillow or pool. Stomp as you walk
Stuffed feelings arevery toxic and will pull you down. If you get them out you will heal....
Talk to your friends….. share your pain with them.
I hear how much pain you are feeling. That is totally normal considering the situation. Do your work to release the energy and heal the trauma.
You can get through this.