rebafan asked this question on 4/23/2000:
Thank you for the replies--- I did not expect them.
To the person who said that it does not require a professional to help with depression: very good point, and I did not mean to say otherwise.
To the person who called me "desertphile," my name is David Krauth, not Martin Fry. Two seperate individuals. I object to much of what "desertphile" wrote, specifically about brain chemistry--- he is one of the persons I had in mind when writing that some of the "experts" in here appear to be writing about what they no little or nothing about.
To the person who said meds are not entirely safe: excellent points. I wish I could go back and qualify what I said by adding that compared to NOT being treated, medication is vastly safer than not being treated for depression. Some 32,000 people in the USA will kill themselves this years and it is a damn shame that most of those were not treated for their illnesses.
Thank you for all of your imputs!
P.S. One reply mentioned "censorship" in this forum. I said, implied, and desire no such thing.
AliceAdvises gave this response on 4/26/2000:
I'm afraid I did not understand the first part of what you were writing about, I guess I missed some of those conversations and comments. However, and I may be repeating things you have already said or maybe disagreed with, but I feel good about saying anything over and over and over again, if it could save a life.
Depression needs medical interference as soon as possible. We can't go it alone forever... we eventually break and then sometimes its too late...that could have been my best friend!! Regarding medications to help decrease some of all those bad feelings we hide inside, if a person has taken that first step (which is the hardest)to helping themselves, even if its just through taking their medication as they should...they should be praised because they are trying! And to the whole world I could say this... It may take time but thats O.K., find yourself at least 1 good can actually give life to each other, especially when a day seems the darkest and never ending....
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100% in agreement!