Anonymous asked this question on 4/22/2000:
why is the criminal scientology cult anti-psychiatry? that doesn't make any sense to me. do they want depressed people to kill themselves? what is the cult's alternative? i just don't get it.
tayrup70 gave this response on 4/22/2000:
Just so people know this is an obvious attempt to attack the religion of Scientology. I have been at the category and if you think the goings on in this category are bizzare you should get a load of what is going on over there. It'[s enough to get you out of depression and into hysterics. This question was posted by Desertphiles himself. He's making quite a name for himself. An expert for four days and he is already number five in the scientology category. Go figure some people truely have no lives.Oh,well.
Anonymous rated this answer a 1.
thank you sir! what of the part in "desertphil"'s answers was wrong? In am back in India in 7 days: please help with the clearing up of the answers, okay.