larrybergen asked this question on 4/14/2000:
Thanks for all the support,out there(both private and public). Only helpline decided to hammer me,but that was done i appreciate that,at least. I was surprised by the support from the field,thankyou. Any defensiveness I might have previously displayed is well warranted,but not privy to all of you. So thankyou and for all those who do value my advice and any help I can offer you,please ask away privately.
Also thankyou anonymous for replying so kindly privately. You're apology is accepted.
Curious about my stats? So long as you're willing to provide me with an email address I will gladly make use of a scanner and email them to you.
Be good,Be Well, Larry
tayrup70 gave this response on 4/21/2000:
I for one am glad you are aboard. People need encouragement not drugs and electric shock therapy. I also like how you follow up with those you advise,that's admirable. I also admire the way you stood up to Helpline and not let him bully you around. He's a doctor ,he's the one who should be recommending people to get second opinions. He's just one big baby! Some doctor,we patients should always have that kind of insight into the character of our own physcicians.
The average rating for this answer is 2.
larrybergen rated this answer a 2.
Though you agree with my veiwpoint I wish you would have shared this privately. The man is obviously pained by this whole ordeal, now isn't the time to degrade him.