a.j.dougherty@... asked this question on 4/18/2000:
I would consider myself a mild depression case. When feeling low I experience negativity, and intense anger. Don't like to be bothered. I'd say onset came after birth of first child 3 1/2 years ago. Now have second child 1 yr old. Recently started taking Sam-e and experiencing good results. Problem is I have begun to exercise and eat better. Scale does not budge. Have many reasons to believe weight is emotionally related. This is problem, because am obsessive in my desrie to lose weight, but kind of self- sabotage self. Weight is catalyst to depression as well. Any ideas for help? Ami
targhee gave this response on 4/18/2000:
Dear Ami,
It sounds like losing weight is important to you. I understand your desire for you to lose weight. Society seems to put a lot of pressure upon us to look a certain way or be a certain weight. However, to that I say that society has extremely high expectations (in many cases unrealistic). After having two children losing weight is not easy to do. Sometimes it takes much longer than anticipated to lose weight after giving birth to a child. I would also have you consider what you are doing. If you are exercising and working out on a regular basis YOU ARE doing your part. Expecting more is unhealthy for you. I recommend to keep up your excercise routine. Many professionals suggest morning exercise because it changes our metabolism and our diet throughout the day.
One other thought. What are your beliefs about weight? Sometimes it is our beliefs that influence what we can and cannot do (even in losing weight). What I am suggesting is that our beliefs can sometimes dictate what happens to us. If your weight is constantly weighing your down that can cause additional stress. However, if we can recognize that we are doing everything we can and try to do everything we can we soon recognize that we are doing all we can.
I wish you the very best.
Good luck and thanks for asking.
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