Anonymous asked this question on 4/19/2000:
I've been taking Zoloft for almost seven years. When I try to go without it symptoms make my life miserable and I go back on...however, lately I think it's not working - I have running thoughts at night, when I should be sleeping, and I have a more flat affect during the day. I'm frightened. I imagine the zoloft's effectiveness is wearing out, that my body's system has grown too used to it - NOW WHAT?!
desertphile gave this response on 4/21/2000:
Note: I am NOT a doctor!
The answer to your question is obvious: talk to your psychiatrist! As the post-synaptic receptors in your brain adjust, your medication may have to adjust with it. If the Zoloft is not providing the level of treatment you first experienced, ask your doctor about slightly increasing the dosage.
If that does not help, there are several other options available. Paxil is one such excellent option. If there is concominant anxiety, perhaps Prozac will be the better choice.
PLEASE talk with your doctor: depression is very treatable, but one must work with the mental health profession to effect good health.
The average rating for this answer is 4.5.
Anonymous rated this answer a 5.
Yep - thankyou!