_Issues in Feminism_, author Sheila Ruth.

The book is called _Issues in Feminism_, author Sheila Ruth.
After discussing the "Mars Commandments" for masculinity, Ruth goes on to
discuss the added traits of machismo:

         The machismo element of masculinity is that of the bad boy,
    of mischief that can and sometimes does slip into downright evil.
    This configuration is not an aberration, peripheral to
    masculinity.  It is essential to it.  Encouraged by parents
    ("Trouble, trouble, trouble, isn't he _all_ boy?"), tolerated in
    school, and enhanced by sports, military traditions, and many
    rites of passage -- for example, the bachelor dinner, Friday night
    with the boys, or "sowing wild oats" -- machismo is real and
    present.  Although its expression may vary with class, race, or
    location, it forms an important part of the male world view, for
    its alternative is the sissy or goody-two-shoes, an object of
    ridicule and rejection.

         Though the expression and the intensity of mischief may vary,
    the components are relatively stable.

    [Paragraphs on _General Naughtiness_ and _Violence_ ommitted for

         _Sexual Potency_: Machismo is a cultural image, a human type,
    but it is a sexual identity as well.  Potency -- defined as the
    ability to have sex often and as rapidly as possible, to
    impregnate with ease -- is tightly integrated into the other
    components described.  Violence and sexuality are _not_ juxtaposed
    in this context.  Instead, they are different facets of the same
    thing.  El Macho uses his sex like a weapon.  In street language
    you "deck 'em and dick 'em", you "tear off a piece", or "bang 'em"
    or "hit 'er" -- all intensely violent metaphors.  In extreme, one
    rapes or gang-bangs; ordinarily, one simply exploits or insults.

    [Paragraph on _Contempt for Women_ omitted for brevity because
    (believe it or not) it's less relevant than the above paragraph.]