''Anorexia is socially acceptable suicide.''
Aug 90 20:19:40
From: Elise
To: Kim Storment
KS> Regarding anorexia, buliemia, etc., though, I've even
KS> heard of the constant pressure on American women to be
KS> thin referred to as "biological warfare against
KS> women". (I wish I'd heard that one first-hand: an
KS> acquaintance of Brad's went into great detail about
KS> how being "overweight" [<-- case in point] is not
KS> necessarily unhealthy. Island women, for example, get
KS> heavier as they get older and are healthier than
KS> American women of similar girth. The problem is not
KS> the weight but the constant cycle of gaining and
KS> losing the weight that stresses our bodies.
KS> Interestingly enough, he said that the woman who gave
KS> this charged rant was thin and petite, so it wasn't a
KS> "defense mechanism".)
Quite true. References include anything written by Kim Chernin on food,
weight and eating; a book called Shadow On A Tightrope, an anthology by
fat women; some of Susie Orbach's stuff; and a magnificent book called
Never Too Thin (ISBN:0-88961-127-0) by Eva Szekely. "Biological
warfare against women" -- I like that. I have, by the way, met some
male anorexics, but only two so far. I have met and worked to support
more than a hundred female anorexics/bulimics who are getting out of the
My take on it is the line: "Anorexia is socially acceptable suicide".
Yes, I enjoy watching the disbelief when I speak up against the Thin
Obession. Many people don't expect it from one of my body type. (I am still
considered fairly thin, although the disease I have will probbly never let me
realize this; my head will always see me as a fat loathsome cow. But I'm
healing my body, and I trust that eventually my head will follow. Amazing how
deep-rooted gynophobia is.)
--- Sirius 1.0w
* Origin: Mammals' Melting Point (1:282/8.19)