Rape statistics

By Robert Emond---

    FYI here are some stats I've gathered the last time the rape thread
made a go around:

   Kilpatrick, et al.(1), found a 23.3% lifetime prevalence of rape, where
rape was nonconsenting anal, oral, vaginal penetration through the use of
force or threat of bodily harm.

   Koss, et al.(2), found the rate to be 27.5% since the age of 14 based on
an interview survey.  Where rape was defined as in Ohio, which is
nonconsenting anal, oral, vaginal penetration through the use of force or
threat of bodily harm or inability to consent due to mental incompetence,
intoxication, unconsciousness, or sleep.   Koss, et al.(3) in a later mail
survey found the rate to be 21.3% based on the same criteria.

   Schwartz (4), reported a study that showed a 24% lifetime rate of rape
based on California definition.  This is the same as Ohio, except it excludes
husbands (fortunately husbands are no longer exempt).

   Sorenson, et al.(5), reported that 16.7% of women in a Los Angeles survey
were pressured or forced to have sexual contact (includes attempts).

   Cornett & Shuntich (6), found that 27.2% of women in their study were
victims  of forced sex.  They also found that 15.2% of the men ADMITTED to
forcing sex on women.

    Kiernan & Taylor (7), found that 11.4% of Mexican-American students were
the victim of date rape, and 16.4% of Anglo-American students were the victim
of date rape.  They also found that 36.6% of the women in their study
experienced other unwanted sexual advances such as forced kissing or sexual
touching excluding intercourse, and that 48.8% of the women experienced
physical violence or threat of violence during a dating situation.

    I could dig up more, but this should be sufficient.  You might also note
that most of these statistics deal with rape, not attempted rape.
Furthermore, these statistics do not reflect other types of harassment.


1.  Kilpatrick, et al., _Criminal Victimization: Lifetime Prevalence,
Reporting to Police, and Psychological Impact_  Crime & Delinquency 1987;33
pp. 479-89.

2.  Koss, et al., _The Scope of Rape: Incidence, and Prevalence of Sexual
Aggression and Victimization in a National Sample of Higher Education
Students_ Journal of Consulting Clinical Psychology 1987;55 pp. 162-70.

3.  Koss, et al., _Deleterious Effects of Criminal Victimization on Women's
Health and Medical Utilization_ Archives of Internal Medicine 1991;151 pp.

4.  Schwartz, _Sexual Violence Against Women; Prevalence, Consequences,
Societal Factors, and Prevention_ Am Journal of Preventative Medicine 1991;7
pp. 363-71.

5.  Sorenson, et al., _Prevalence of Adult Sexual Assault_  Am Journal of
Epidemiology 1987;126 pp. 1154-64.

6.  Cornett & Shuntich, _Sexual Aggression; Perceptions of its Likelihood of
Occurring and Some Correlates of Self-admitted Perpetration_ 1991;73 pp.

7.  Kiernan & Taylor, _Coercive Sexual Behavior Among Mexican-American
College Students_ Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 1990;16.
From:    Robert Emond
To:      Mike Ferranti                          Msg #147, Jul-29-93 04:43PM
Subject: rape

MF>   I'm saying that it seems that 99 out of 100 rapists give "the way she
MF> was dressed" as a reason for raping the woman in the first place, yes...

    No... that is not true.  Most rapes have nothing to do with the
attractiveness or clothing of the victim.  Even date rapists don't claim that
"the way she was dressed" is the reason they did what they did.   The
following may be of interest to you:

_Patterns of Behavior in Adolescent Rape_ by Vinogradov et al. in the
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 58(2) April 1988 pp 179-87:

        71% of the rapists were under the influence of drugs (inc. alcohol).
        15% reported taking drugs less than 15 minutes prior to the rape.
        21% premeditated the rape.
        27% committed the rape while committing another crime.
        16% were impulsive/spontaneous, "the victim was simply an easy
            available 'innocent bystander'".
        7% were committed after an argument with the victim.
        6% after sexual foreplay with the victim.

        89% of the rapists described the victims as not being provocative,
            "The victims did not verbally provoke nor were sexually
             attractive to the attacker".
