Student attitudes on rape. SHOCKING!

From:    Kim Storment
Subject: Re: Defining Rapists as Insane

1.  In a survey of male college students, 15 percent said they might commit
rape if there was no chance of getting caught.  (from "Men Demystified" by
Melissa Goodman in _Glamour_ [date missing]  She lists a couple of dozen
sources for the article, but I can't tell which one this tidbit was
supposed to have come from.

2.  Dr. Joyce Brothers, "Date Rape", _St. Louis Post-Dispatch Parade_
(Sunday magazine), Sept. 27, 1987, pp. 1, 4-6

In a landmark survey of 7000 students at 35 colleges and universities
across the country, financed by the National Institute of Mental Health,
Mary P. Koss of Kent State University discovered some startling facts:

* One woman student in eight had been raped, according to the legal
definition, in the year previous to the survey.  Rapes since the age of 14
raised the number to 25 percent.

* Ninety percent of the women knew their assailants, and 47 percent of the
rapes were by first dates or romantic acquaintances.

* More than 90 percent of the women did not report the rape.

*One out of 12 men admitted to having fulfilled the prevailing definition
of rape or attempted rape, yet none identified himself as a rapist.

Subsequent studies at individual colleges have confirmed these figures.
They indicate that date rape occurs all over the country, in every
socioeconomic group and at every age.  The main victims, however, are women
between 15 and 24.  . . .

Gloria Fischer, a psychologist, surveyed more than 400 students at
Washington State University and found that 5 percent of the women and 19
percent of the men did not define forcible sex or the man's coercion as
unacceptable behavior.  Rather, they felt that, UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS,
it might be acceptable for a man to force sex on his companion.  These
included if the couple had been dating for a long time, if she had let him
fondle her, if she wasn't a virgin or if she had "led him on". . . .

Three Texas psychologists probed the attitudes of 268 college men aged 19.
The researchers found that the men fell into two groups:  those who held
traditional views of sex roles and those who didn't.  The traditionalists
thought that men, not women, should ask for dates, pay for dates, make
decisions about dating activity and initiate any intimate behavior.  The
nontraditionalists believed in equality between the sexes.

The men were presented with different scenarios. In some, the woman asked
the man out or bore all the expenses of the evening.  In others, the couple
spent the evening alone in the man's apartment or went to a movie.  The
college men were asked to indicate in which of these dating situations the
man would be justified in forcing his attention [notice the euphemism] on
the woman against her will.

The good news is that 80 percent of the men said that "rape" was never
justified - under any circumstance.  The bad news is that 20 percent felt
that, in some instances, it was.  Most of these men held traditional views
of sex roles. They believed that a woman was leading a man on if she asked
him for a date, went with him to hjis apartment or allowed him to pay for
all the expenses.  Most traditionalists, and even some nontraditionalists,
believed that this implied a sexual invitation, which the woman had no
right to withdraw later on.

From:    Robert Emond

	The study was done by Malamuth of Univ. of Manitoba Harber and
Feshbach of UCLA, in the _Journal of Research in Personality_ 14 pg
121-137 1980.  A study of UCLA undergraduates of both sexes response
to rape.  A rape story was read by the subjects, who then answered
questions.  In the story a male undergrad asks a female undergrad if
she wants a ride to her dorm.  She says no, he thinks she is being,
"an arrogant bitch"  he then forces her into the car and rapes her.

	36% of the men self-reported sexual arousal while reading the
story.  37% identified with the rapist.  26% said the rapist was
justified (presumably because of the perceived insult).  38% said the
victim enjoyed being raped, while 47% of the women said the woman
enjoyed being raped (I am shocked by this). 8% of the men said the
victim could have stopped the rape, while 57% of the women thought
she could have stopped it.  36% of the men thought *all women* would
enjoy victimization, while 32% of the women thought *all women* would
enjoy victimization.

	The worst part is 49% of the men said that the believe that other
men would rape if they could get away with it.  Even more horrendous
on a scale of 1-5, 1 being most likely, when asked if *THEY*
personally would rape if the could get away with it 51% fell between
1 and 2, and 21% fell on 3.

	They conclude:

  "Females as well as males, however, seemed to believe some myths
about rape.  For example, subjects believed that over 25% of the
female population would derive some pleasure from being victimized.
For female subjects this finding is particularly interesting in light
of their very  clear assertion that they personally would not under
any circumstances derive pleasure from such vicitminization.

	With respect to the male population's potential involvement in
rape    even higher percentages were indicated.  Subjects believed
that close to half the male population would rape if they were
assured that they would not be caught and punished.  With respect to
their own potential involvement, males do report, quite surprisingly,
similar opinions.  That is , over half of the sample do not rule out
the possibility that they would engage in sexual assault if they
could not be caught.  These findings may be interpreted as providing
some support for the contention that rape is an extension of normal
attitudes and socialization practices in our society rather than
totally the product of a sick and aberrant mind.  If within the
normal educated population there is a sizeable proportion of males
who believe that they might be inclined to rape if they would not be
punished and if both males and females perceive half the population
to be so inclined, then it is quite apparent that people generally do
not view rape as potentially committed by deviants only."