Who was saved from the Titanic disaster?
171/464 01 May 90 22:14:16
From: Kirsten Emmott
> Regarding your comments on "women and children first", I hope
> mother plays a somewhat more vital role in parenting, but this
> is changing rapidly. Today, I agree that men and women should
> draw straws for lifeboat seats.
I can never resist anwering this sort of discussion with the
facts on the sinking of the Titanic in 1912. I wish I had the exact figures,
but they go something like this: the ship had a first class of rich people, a
second class, and a third or steerage class consisting of mobs of Irish
immigrants who got on at Liverpool. There were 1500 lost. Of the eight
children in first class, all survived. Of twenty or so children in second
class, all but one survived. Of the some hundreds of women in the first and
second classes, nearly all survived, plus a lot of female crew. However, among
the 1500 lost were (I believe) about 400 women and -over 200- children, mostly
in steerage class. About 200 (male) crew survived, loaded in order to row the
lifeboats, since the rich could not be expected to row themselves.
The "millionaire's boat" contained but 14 people, and lots of luggage.
It rowed away from the ship "so as not to be swamped" and made not attempt to
pick up the dying women and children.
The lifeboats were loaded BY CLASS. The poor were not allowed
up on deck until all the boats had gone. When they tried to rush the stairs, an
officer held them back at gunpoint.
RICH women and children first, maybe.
(There have been shipwrecks where women were saved and nearly all
the casualties were men -- such as the that of the cruise boat Princess Alice
in the Thames River about 1905-- but the Titanic wasn't one of them.
When people tell us how we used to be helped into carriages and
given the best place everywhere,don't forget Sojourner Truth. It was never
true for SOME of us.
--- Opus-CBCS 1.12
* Origin: PSG Vancouver (1:153/4.0)