On 21 Aug 1999 07:24:08 -0700, Arnie Lerma <Arnie_member@newsguy.com> wrote:
>Today the Court held that it was not what I did, it was the way I did it, and
>determined me to be a vexatious litigant. It also held, in essence, that the
>outcome of a case is unaffected by opposing parties' and counsels' blackmail,
>bribery, witness tampering, subornation of perjury and obstruction of justice.
>In other words, as a matter of fact and equity that the "end justifies the
>means" - which is really what the "Fair Game" Policy is all about.
>The judge should have disqualified himself. He refused to do so, but did not
>deny that his significant other worked for a Scientology corporation and his
>former clerk for its attorney.
>It was clear from the moment Cipriano and I walked into the courtroom that the
>judge had predetermined the matter. It was astonishing when he questioned me as
>to why the Cipriano Declaration had any relevance at all. It was significant
>that he concluded by saying that he knew little about civil law having practiced
>as a prosecutor.
>The cult insisted that the minute order be entered immediately. Despite the
>vexatious litigant ruling my abuse of process claim will still be filed against
>Moxon, Ingram and Hurtado. The new Cipriano Declaration now adds R.I.C.O.
>potential and federal jurisdiction.
>The judge also indicated that he will deny any motion for civil and criminal
>contempt or sanctions against Moxon. For the sake of the trial court record that
>motion will still be filed. A similar motion is being filed in the Pattinson
>case early next week.
>A writ will be filed seeking reversal of the vexatious litigant ruling.
>This is just one round in my quest for justice and I thank everyone who has
>expressed their support to date.
Right on, Graham. It's actually probably round 9 in a 15 round title fight. I think their lack of conditioning is beginning to show. They're way softer than they talked at the start of the fight. And they have lousy corner men.
They're always hitting below the belt and they just got caught ear-biting. So although they've bloodied you and made you a little vangoughish, you could still come out ahead even in that round. The judges are pretty sure by now that ref Williams is crooked.
Glad to see Henson in your corner. He's a good cutman, and has connections to keep your ear on ice. And he can keep you in stitches until it heals.
Congratulations on your judicial declare. I will propose a clam cluster and a purple (tell Jerry Falwell I mean nothing at all by this) heart to the ARSCCWDNE certs and awards committee.
Being declared a vexatious litigant by $cientology's own judge almost deserves its own SP designation.
© Gerry Armstrong