Fredric Rice Talk about knuckle-draggers, here's a group of lovely individuals that you're sure to love. They call themselves "Promise Keepers" and their 'Christian' message is one of male domination over the female as proscribed in the Christian mythologies. Oh no, not in so many words, no. They perfer to use the words "equal partners" who aren't exactly equal. They are told to "take back authority" over the woman. Welcome to KFI Los Angeles and Bill Handle. He has for us this morning, March 27 at 8:00 a.m. none other than the spokesman for Promise Keepers, Steve Chavice, founder of the "men's Christian movement" which he claims began five years ago. Claiming 600,000 members, Chavice immediatly launched into a defense of the position that men are 'called upon' to become the authority in the home. Using the rhetoric of 'family values' and 'being responsible,' PK claims that while men and women are equal in the sight of the Christanic deities, they are nonetheless inequal while walking the Earth. Indeed, he couldn't keep his story straight, switching back and forth between whether women are the equal of men or whether men were to be the dominate sex. U.S.A. Today run a cover story on the group not long ago yet listeners were not given the publication date. It seems that the group charges men $55.00 to come to baseball arenas so that they can all pray at their deities together and don't allow women into their cult. Speakers talk about how men should be responsible to their wife and children and ask their followers whether they are "being of service" to their wife. Under the guise of trying to be better husbands and fathers, they're told to "take back authority" in the home -- all for the good of the little woman. PK tells its followers that men are the natural leaders of women. They're told that men are better able to handle responsibility yet are not doing so, perfering to sit at home and watch ball games rather than make decisions and taking the children to soccer practice. Bill Handle asked about where all the money they rake in goes to and Chavice couldn't give a clear answer, perfering to comment vaguely upon printed materials, video tapes and arena rentals. PK has set itself up as a 501(c)3 out of Boulder, Colorado and Handle continued to question where the two million dollars for a single gathering actually goes to. Chavice claimed that women around America actually agreed with the male-domination expoused. And of course there were female callers who stated that what PK stands for is _GOOD_ and they were quite happy with their stance. Unfortunatly Handle didn't point out that oppressed women would naturally either express agreement for their roles else they would keep their mouths tightly shut least their true opinions on the matter get them beaten. PK is a fundamentalist cult which believes that the current version of the Christanic mythologies are the inerrant word of their deities. Handle pointed out that adulteress are supposed to be stoned to death according to the myths and asked Chavice whether he would do so. Chavice didn't refuse to answer the question outright yet claimed he would talk to his wife about where he went wrong and try to settle the problem that way. When Handle pointed out that he was picking and choosing which bits of the Christanic mythologies to abide by, Chavice had no comment. Handle pressed the point by showing how the Christanic mythologies can be and have been interpreted to support slavery and Chavice stated that he didn't want to discuss the subject any more. Unfortunatly, Handle was loosing the ground he acquired early on in the discussion and he made a fatal mistake by bringing on the air a fundi Rabbi. The Rabbi told listeners that the PK were really a sick bunch who were using their brand of religion in a negative way. Handle then demanded that the fundi Rabbi's group won't allow women having their period within 100 feet of their temples and pointed out that _his_ group was even worse than PK. Handle then ran out of time and didn't allow the Rabbi to respond, instead he gave Chavice the chance to offer the last word. The real horror here, after one hour of this, was not the fact that the Christanic cult has spawned a new anti-women spin-off, the real horror here is that subservient women actually _agreed_ with the dictates of their male masters.