I am really , really, ticked off at you. This page "http://holysmoke.org/cretins/abomb.htm" is non-educated, non-scientific views, the person who wrote it should really think about what they are saying. Its all lies? I'de like it if you kindly explained where the lies are? What cults? I try to be respectful about people who believe in evolution, but when an evolutionist totally bashes a creationist, its so un-respecful it totally degrades them selves. I am desgusted by the way you said what you said.... The least you could do would be to act respectfully of others. No matter what they believe, it is the moral thing to do. You on the other hand, present your-self as a racist, down right and dirty. I'm not tring to be mean to you here, I'm just tring to tell you the truth.
Please respond, in a non-rasist form, to my letter, Thank you for your time.
Emmyst@aol.com (<-- e-mail me back here)