Started out this morning from Ida's place at 6:30. Went down Elk to
the south to check on the big RV and get some tape of it. Also got
the car and its plate which was parked in front of the RV.
I was going to turn left onto Stetson and go west to Sorenson but
as I came back to the intersection, I saw a car headed toward me
on Elk. Thinking this might well be one of the PIs, I crossed
Stetson. The car turned left (had he continued past me I would
have figured it was a resident) so I turned after him. The blocks
are short so I was able to catch up with him as he turned north,
on Palm, west on Johnson, south, west on Stetson, and north on
Palm again. This established him as a PI, so I went on out Stetson
to on my way to gold base. (Like the dog Grim in the comic strip
Mother Goose and Grim, I don't know what I would do if I caught
one of the PIs or he pulled over. Say Hi I guess.)
Out at gold base, I parked in my regular spot on the west end near
the Ashlee Shaner memorial. I was there just in front of the
7 am buses, so they got a good view of my sign about being implanted
with dead space aliens.
I started east on the north side of the road. Richardson and thug 2 came
out and met me at the westernmost gate. They started into the same patter
as yesterday, including warnings for me not to make commercial use of any
video or audio I was recording. It was nice and cool, and thug 2 was
walking at a reasonable pace when abruptly he and Richardson got some
message, broke off and walked as fast as they could to the main gate.
This was only about 6 minutes into my picket round, and might have been
psychological warfare. If so, it worked, though had it been any other
day, I would have stayed to see what played out. Had they got word that
the Sheriff was coming? Did they get a policy change notice? Had (*)
spotted an eagle? (Note--eagles are not weapons of mass destruction.)
Perhaps I will find out this afternoon. In any case, I walked back
to my car and left.
Keith Henson
Reporting from the Hemet front.