On 19 Apr 2001 22:41:34 -0000, Reality Check
<Use-Author-Address-Header@[127.1]> wrote:
>I think it's a great idea to give Keith moral support at the trial. If you
>can, go there. If anyone agrees with me but wants to send Keith some
>money, please go right ahead. I almost sent some myself yesterday. The
>point I'm making isn't that people not support Keith in any way they think
>is right.
>And good luck to you, Keith.
Don't forget that given the evidence against Keith, a loss in this case would
essentially outlaw picketing and posting to Usenet. There is nothing in the
Henson case presented as evidence that isn't standard garden-variety speech.
If they win this one, they will immediately expand it to apply it to other
critics. It's a simple matter of self-defense to support this, unless you want
to be the next one on the list.
Now maybe you don't care or you want to be the next on the list yourself.
Freedom of speech requires that it be exercised, and not just by millionaires.
If merely speaking out in protest of a cult is a guaranteed way to get
prosecuted (if done effectively enough to hit the top of OSA's list), then that
means, if anything, that even more criticism is in order.
Mollycoddling the cult or allowing this conduct to be rewarded by the courts is
the true danger here, because we are *all* in the sights of the cult in one way
or another, completely anonymous cowards excepted of course. (With no
disrespect for the prudent, just full respect for the fact that openly
criticizing this cult is reckless, foolhardy, and UTTERLY NECESSARY.)
Cash, Check or Money Order
Keith Henson
Box 60012
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Or to hkhenson@pacbell.net through