On Sun, 22 Apr 2001 00:02:31 -0700, H. Keith Henson <hkhenson@pacbell.net>
>On Fri, 20 Apr 2001 21:02:12 -0700, j6d@nonspammable.com wrote:
>>LronsScam wrote:
>>> The addy of Norm Grange <ngrange@netscope.net>,
>>> In article ID <3adff8c2.41317402@localhost>,
>>> On or about Fri, 20 Apr 2001 08:55:21 GMT,
>>> In the group <alt.religion.scientology> that it was read from
>>> Norm Grange says...
>>> >If the report of the attempt to get Henson to plea bargain
>>> >actually happened, that suggests that the DA is ~NOT~ being
>>> >blackmailed by organized crime. Therefore the DA is merely
>>> >incompetent, and not being forced to prosecute such a bogus case.
>It really happened, but "organized crime" in this case will go to any
>length and try over and over again to get me labeled a criminal.
>>> I think that it is always over-kill to suggest, like many have, that the DA
>>> is being bought by Scn'gy in some fashion. There's no evidence for that. But
>>> it is quite peculiar that any such charge could be brought against another in
>>> a court of law. Does it not?
>>Ummmm ... I thought this DA participated directly in a plot to get Keith falsely
>>arrested on a court "no-show" charge ???
>>Is there another DA involved with this case?
>There are a bunch of them. Robert Schwarz is the low man on the totem
>pole. He has admitted in court he has no significant power over the
>case. For example, when I offered to save everyone a lot of time
That's for sure. It's becoming apparent Trask himself has little if any
control over the case. "The People" in this case is nothing more than a proxy
for the crime cult of Scientology.
>picking a jury and let the case be tried before Judge Wallerstein,
>Schwarz admitted he could not make such decisions. Robert did not
>hesitate to try to pin the GPS readings Shy David took on me. When he
>was overruled he pled in a desperate whisper at a side bar that it was
>the core of his case (to pin something on me I didn't have anything to
>do with.)
So in other words he admitted the core of his case was perjury? I'm glad that
the judge at least overruled this idiot attempting to prosecute you for someone
else's actions. (Though even the GPS readings are entirely legal in every
>Robert's boss is Tom Gage. Gage is the dude who signed the complaint
>and notice of arraignment form. He had responsibility if not the
>actual duty to mail me the proper copy and didn't because the copy was
>still in the case file when I was arraigned. There are other
>indications that he was working closely with the clams.
Is he the one who knowingly entered lies into the court computer system?
I suppose in one sense it doesn't matter. Anything anyone associated with the
DA's office did in this case they were doing as representatives of the Office
of the District Attorney.
>Then there is Grover Trask, as in the Dear Grover letter from one of
>the scientology lawyers. Grover is the elected DA, at around $150k
>per year. He gets an 80% bad boss rating from his staff, and this
>massive anti=DA web page. It will be interesting to see if his close
>relation with the scientology lawyers becomes an issue this election
Grover is also facing a federal civil rights lawsuit, as well as tons of bad
press, zero confidence from his own staff who in an internal poll were
overwhelmingly unsatisfied with his performance. He is also facing potential
trouble getting reelected.
It would be nice to see him facing another lawsuit, or preferably, jail time.
>Keith Henson