The logic goes something like this...
re: "interfering with a religion..."
If you inform someone that the three card monte table is, in fact, a
dishonest scam, and the three card monte huckster pretends the scame
is a religious service, the act of informing people they're about to
lose their money becomes a hate crime.
In light of the fact that their alleged 'religion' is now more widely
known and the dishonest scam it is than ever, that their attempted
publicity coup "Battlefield Earth" was seen as what it was - a bad
movie based on a worse book, and what used to be their poster couple a
happy scieno marriage now headed for divorce court, I suppose a highly
questionable and (extremely vulnerable to appeal) 'win' like the 1 out
of 3 Henson verdict must seem like a 'win'.
Pretty pathetic. In reality, they're not even 'at cause' over a
freaking brick. ;)
"Don't break your back scrubbing floors; get yourself a nigger--- that's
what they'e born for" -- L. Ron Hubbard, First Grand Dragon of the Klueless Kriminal Kult (KKK
Inc), in a letter to his wife (or was it wives at the time?)