A while ago a number of people on a.r.s wrote the California Attorney
General. It did produce results.
State of California
Attorney General
P.O. BOX 944255
SACRAMENTO, CA 94244-2550
(916) 322-3360
TOLL FREE (800) 952-5225
TDY: (916) 324-5564
or (800) 952-5548
April 12, 2001
Mr. Keith Henson
302 College Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Dear Mr. Henson:
Thank you for your recent letter to Attorney General Bill
Lockyer regarding your allegations against a deputy district attorney.
We appreciate the time and effort it has taken to prepare your written
document to this office.
An individual who wishes to make a complaint against an
employee of a county should first contact the employees' supervisor in
the department where the employee works. The complaint should include
a factual statement which clearly describes the date. place and nature
of the incident, the name(s) of the employees involved, the names of
witnesses, and if possible, the specific law violation. A supervisor
would then investigate the complaint.
If the matter is not resolved, an individual may then contact
the county grand jury for a review of the matter. The grand jury is
an arm of the Superior Court and is supervised by the presiding
superior court judge. The grand jury has two functions, they
investigate the performance of local government agencies and they
investigate citizen's complaints often becoming involved in criminal
proceedings. They are not limited in their choice of subjects or
depth of inquiry except by their one-year term of office.
Local authorities are responsible for handling complaints
against their employees. The Office of the Attorney General is not
prepared to supersede the local agency in these matters. The Attorney
General will review a complaint for possible investigation only when a
specific allegation of unlawful conduct is made and the complainant
can show that they have contacted their local authorities, and the
local authorities have without justification, failed to act.
While we value the opportunity to assist you, from the
information contained in your letter it is not apparent that you have
yet contacted the appropriate authorities in your area. Until such
remedies have been exhausted, our office is not prepared to intervene.
We hope you find satisfaction in resolving your complaint through
the local law enforcement authorities.
Again, thank you for contacting our office. We
regret that we could not provide more assistance to you in this matter
at this time.
Public Inquiry Unit
(continued next posting)