On Tue, 18 Dec 2001 17:42:12 GMT, Mark Bunker
<markbunker@lisatrust.net> wrote:
>Second, theres a guy on the TV in the background of a couple scenes
>who I called the Keith Henson character. He is interviewed about
>freezing bodies for future thawing out and reviving. Sure, he's not
>cutting off the heads to store them but it was close enough for me to
>see the connection.
Minor clear up here. Alcor stores people whole body or head only
depending on what they ask for and pay for. We can store at least a
dozen heads in the place of a single a single whole body patient which
reduces the cost by about half. Of the 18 I helped freeze, about half
were heads only and the rest were whole body.
Also, it is now possible to cryoprotect brains (heads) with a mix of
chemicals which results in a very small amount of ice formation
(vitrification). Doing this to a whole body is not currently done for
technical reasons.
Whether this will make any difference in the long run is to be
The point of relavence to this news group is that the space aliens in
OT 3 were brought to earth (Tegeeack) biologically suspended by
cryonics, and of course, Tom Cruise is a noisy scientologist.
Keith Henson