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RE: Sen. Bill SB1796
Dear Gov. Davis:
I write to you with hopes that you will sign State Senate Bill SB l796. This bill protects the constitutional right to picket without fear of arrest.
This bill limits the penalties for misdemeanors committed for purposes of political expression that do not threaten to or actually cause physical harm to property or persons.
The passage of this bill will allow those who wish to protest, protection from arrest and confinement for merely exercising their constitutional rights. In a time when many of our rights are being subjected to scrutiny by those who wish to undo what has "worked" for 200 years, I find the passage of this bill eliminates at least one instance of silencing those who want to be able to carry a picket sign in protest. What better way can the public know of abuses that are carried out each day by unethical organizations?
The conviction of my friend, Keith Henson is a perfect example to show the need for your signature on this bill. I have enclosed a copy of his daughters letter to you asking for his pardon. This man was a productive American citizen, paying taxes, taking care of his family. Because of his effort to bring to the public what he felt was their "right to know," he was arrested.
I met you Governor Davis, here in Hemet when you were seeking office. I had hoped when I voted for you that you would represent my interests. I have followed your career since l977 when someone in your office during Gov. Browns tenure pointed me in the right direction for help. I thanked that party then and I thank you now for considering this most important bill .
Ida J. Camburn