There is a much better copy of Exhibit 185 (Rosen's notes) up on
The notes were from the March 8, 2002 meeting in Rosen's office and contain information that is somewhat repeated in the typed Yingling notes of the same day.
I think it is worth transcribing them--if we can figure out what he wrote.
I can give it a start, if anyone wants to correct and add to it, please do.
I FloridaYou can get a lot of help out of exhibit 191, but the differences are perhaps more important than the places where 191 helps.A Wrongful death paid $14,400,000 to be paid $4.5 mil B Breech case - Baird paid $1,000,000 to be paid $1,000,000 C Penick Case paid $700,000
D (scratched out)
?? we paid $20,000
II Wolly
A We've paid $2.5 mill B Well have to pay $3.0 mill C Pos. $8.5million
III Armstrong (3 suits, 2 Nevada, i ???)
A We've paid $260,000 B Will have to pay $500,000
IV Henson
A we've paid $1,065,000 B will have to pay $350,000
V Ward
A we've paid $815,000 B will pay $75,000
VI European Cases
A we'v paid $80,000 B we will pay $25,000
VII Factnet
A we've paid $1,625,000
VIII Lopez
A we've paid $1,535,000
IX RTC vs ???
A we've paid $555,000 B we are owned $308,000 we are ???? C we will pay $150,000
X IRS Harassment
A we've paid $30,000 B we will pay $50,000
XI interest and trade disputes
A we've paid $32,000 B we will pay $150,000
XII Our planed RICO case
we've spent $40,000
XIII In addition
A cost of security guards special buses, etc Fla $2,995,000
B cost of security to ??? ??? Toronto, Los Angeles, Washington DC, San Francisco $470,000
C cost of defe ??? Maria Pia Gardini in Italy and Fla [can't read the rest]
Suggestions and corrections welcome!
An annotated or linked version of this would also help certain people make sense out of these numbers.
Keith Henson