With regard to the trial of Keith Henson which took place in Hemet, I was at each day of his trial . I kept wondering where was all the fairness of the American court system that I thought prevailed in this country? It was not there in that little court room. The entire room reeked of "Fair Game" which is practiced on a daily basis, even in our courts. My heart goes out to Keith and to his family.
I fly my flag at half mast in memory of the death of Justice.
Ida Camburn
"The litigants and their lawyers are supposed to want justice, but in reality , there is no justice, either in or out of court. In fact, the word can not be defined..in the last analysis, most jury trials are contests between the rich and the poor. Crimianl cases, however, practically always have the poor on trial" --- Clarence Seward Darrow