On 29 Jun 2003 01:06:32 -0700, spacetraveler2000@hotmail.com (Spacetraveler) wrote:
>pignotti@worldnet.att.net (Monica Pignotti) wrote in message news:<53183a73.0306280705.2df2bd7b@posting.google.com>...
>> spacetraveler2000@hotmail.com (Spacetraveler) wrote in message news:<9f53d1e2.0306280251.5cf0cb98@posting.google.com>...
>> > Now, what has RPF to do with routing out of the Sea Org? Nothing what
>> > so ever I believe.
>> Well, your belief is wrong. If you've ever actually been in the SO,
>> you wouldn't need to ask that. It has everything to do with it,
>> because the RPF is where people wanting to leave the SO can very
>> commonly end up.
>Scientology is not in the business of believing things. It offers a
>workable technology.
I agree with Spacetraveler on this point, though he and I probably have a different idea of what "workable" means.
Shooting heroin is an example of "workable technology," that is, it sure works to keep people coming back for more and the users will talk to you about their "wins" in exactly the same awed tone of voice as a former scientologist talking about their wins. [That observation (at a party) is how I originally came to understand the common motivation pathway of cults and drugs.]
Scientology is "workable technology" in the same way, in fact, the exact same brain reward circuits are being activated. Don't take my word for it, February 19, 2002 the New York Times had a detailed article "Hijacking the Brain Circuits With a Nickel Slot Machine."
"Some people seem to be born with vulnerable dopamine systems that get hijacked by social rewards."
Just about everyone appreciated social rewards. But as the article notes, some are as taken over by social rewards (attention) as a strung out junkie. I am sure you have seen scientologists neglect kids, family and health like they were addicted to scientology.
>Yes, I have been Sea Org, Flag, Int you name it.
Would you know anyone who has gotten out since mid 2000? Email me if you can.
Keith Henson