Just to get this off and let everybody know that there is hope for all of the so-called strict adherents to the CO$ and that there exists the possibility that they can change their minds about their "beloved" organization.
I first began to read ARS back in about 1997 or 1998 (maybe even earlier). I read it in spurts, never posted. I was not involved anymore with the Co$ but I did not view the Co$ as being any kind of "bad" organization (at that time) but was constantly trying to keep an open-mind.
When I first came across posts regarding Lisa McPherson on the newsgroup, I looked at them with a very closed and myopic view, thinking that this person just happened to die while doing services at Flag and the critics were just looking for another kind of excuse to raise hell about what was going on in the Co$. Of course at that time, there were many posts from strict adherrents to the Co$, much more than one sees today, and of course these posts tried to discredit the critics. So although, at that time I did not have a lot of faith in the integrity of the Co$, I also did not place a lot of confidence in what the critics were writing.
As more and more information became available on the internet, or I should also add, as I was able to find my way to more and more information, especially information regarding just what had happened to Lisa McPherson, I started to have more doubts about the Co$, especially regarding what had happened to her.
Now somebody within the Co$, somebody who strictly adheres to the "tech" of LRHubbo, especially the "tech" of overts and witholds will gladly attempt to point out to me that I must have MUs, overts and witholds and that I was looking for the "motivators" that would give me the excuse to begin to find fault in the Co$ and the great "tech" that is there for all to have and use. They would tell me that what I read about Lisa McPherson, whether true or not true, that this was the motivator that I was looking for to find fault and lose confidence in the Co$ and the "tech".
Me, I like to think otherwise. I wonder if there have been others like me, perhaps they have gone through some kind of evolution when reading something about Lisa McPherson's treatment, or perhaps even the treatment of some other people. I prefer to think that somehow I had viewed the issues using the humanity that has existed within me all along and that others have done the same and have looked at the overall picture through eyes "besmirched" with that humanity.
And I hope that in the future others may have their thoughts evolve so that they get a better picture of the truth, not just of what had happened to Lisa McPherson but of what has happened to others.
It amazes me that the so-called "most ethical group on the planet" is incapable of looking at something that was done wrong and is not able to simply say "Sorry, we messed up. Let's make sure that all those concerned are properly consoled and taken care of and let's have the compassion necessary to show that we are doing everything we can to make sure that something like this will never happen again."
Instead they have to say that a lawsuit regarding Lisa McPherson's death is all about money and nothing more.
Now I see where the myopia truly exists.