Sorry about the formatting. From .tif # 195 and 196 This is a recorded interview given to Bonnie Portolano, the paramedic who saw Lisa the day of her accident when she rear ended the boat. Bonnie was going to Baker Act her if Lisa didn't go to Morton Plant willingly. She also got a good glimpse of McPherson totally naked and said she had no bruises at all on her body. She checked her over and saw she had nothing wrong with her physically. She even checked in the car so see if it were damaged from Lisa colliding with something; nothing, no windshield damage or anything else. Report 95-29158 AOA/Death Investigation December 6, 1995 (interview With Bonnie Portolano April 2, 1996) page 10 292 charisma or a zest, something. And I really 293 wanted to see Lisa get help. We went to Morton 294 Plant. I gave my report to the nurse. The... 295 the nurse took the report well. She understood 296 everything I was saying. ..... she understood 297 that Lisa was a Scientologist and... and all the 298 things that Lisa was saying.. .how she wanted to 299 talk... that she did want help and she does need 300 rest. ..... .and I did tell her most of this 301 story. .... it was at that time that .... that 302 was the last time that I saw Lisa. ..... a few 303 weeks later though, I did see that nurse again in Morton Plant Emergency Room. And the nurse had told me that Lisa had died at New Port Richey 306 Hospital of a pulmonary embolism. And that.. .I was 307 just kind of torn apart because.. because ..... .I 308 had wanted her to do well. I wanted more for 309 Lisa. ..... .I did transport into Morton Plant 310 later that very same night of the incident that 311 I took Lisa there. And I was told that she was 312 no longer there. .that the Scientologists.. .a group 313 of scientologists had showed up at the Emergency 314 Room. And I attribute that to the police officers 315 calling the girlfriend to come and get the car. 316 So I'm sure they found out where she was and why. 317 And umm...the...the nurse said that the doctor 318 turned the patient over to the Scientologists and 319 the Scientologists said that they would watch her. 320 Umm..I was very disturbed by this...ummm. because I have some counseling background. I was hoping that she could resolve some issues that were in 323 her because obviously she was stirred up 324 emotionally and confused. ..... but to me, it [continued on next page:] seemed to turn her back over to the source of her confusion was.. would be the same as a batt... me bring.. bringing a battered wife and the husband showing up in the Emergency Room saying "Oh no no.. .don't treat her.. .she's okay.. I'll watch her and make sure she's okay". You're sending her right back to the source. I was very frustrated and disturbed that it was out of my hands. There was nothing more I could've done at that time.. and was very saddened by it when I heard she had died.