This ZIP file contains a flat directory of TXT files resulting from my
OCRing and error correcting of TIF files in the range 5000-5099. There
is also an index.txt file which contains a brief description of each
document in the range, sorted by document type and also by TIF #.
For each TIF document with text, there is one TXT file. But not all
TIFS are included. I've done every document that has any 'meat' but
I've not OCR'ed the Fort Harrison Room Assignment sheets. These are
all columnar forms and most are munged by whiteout, and besides, they
don't apply to the period which was subpoenaed in any case. Also, I
have not OCR'ed the separator pages inserted into the evidence
Also, I have not yet worked on TIF 5086, which is a list of the names,
addresses and phone numbers of all employees of AMC Publishing during
1995. I feel a little uncomfortable posting all those names and
addresses. I thought I might just post a name list, without the
addresses and phone numbers. Does that sound reasonable?
Michael Reuss
Honorary Kid