"Prayer for Lisa McPherson"
Saturday, 7. December 2002 at 12.00 in the Nikolai Church in Leipzig Liturgy: Rev. Christian Fuehrer, Leipzig and Rev. Thomas Gandow, Berlin
EBI Sachsen e.V.; Solveig Prass, Leipzig, Chairman Dialog Zentrum Berlin; Rev. Thomas Gandow, Chairman
Information about the Prayer for Lisa McPherson
On December 5, 1995 Lisa McPherson died at age 36 after having been held in isolation by Scientology for 17 days.
Wherever in the world Scientology is active, people are invited for vigil and prayer services on December 7, 2002, for those who, while looking for total freedom, found death as victims of a malicious organization.
In the "Prayer for Lisa McPherson" it says, "Lord, in this world of violence, confusion and false paths You do not pronounce those guilty who get lost and go down the false paths in their search for the path of freedom, but rather those who exploit and abuse, seduce and ruin those people."
- We have all heard of the isolation inflicted and the punitive camps in Scientology.
- We know that people die there.
- We know that the Scientology Organization (SO) try to silence their critics with libel, litigiousness and physical force.
- We know that Scientology maintains its own secret service, the Office for Special Affairs (OSA), to combat and eradicate critics.
Today, nobody can say any more that he didn't know. God gave us eyes to see and not to look away.
That is why we have to protect the freedom and the human dignity of our fellow human beings as if they were our own. Looking away and acting as though nothing happened means that we ourselves become abettors and perpetrators.
Information on the Internet about Lisa McPherson:
Offizielle Polizeiprotokolle, Ermittlungsakten:
- the above is not a literal translation - for non-commercial use only - visit http://cisar.org