Lisa McPherson 1959-1995
In Honor of Lisa.......JUSTICE or some measure of it so that what happened to Lisa won't happen again. The "Church" of Scientology should be held accountable for its crimes.
Send a prayer and/or a donation to:
P. O. Box 24597
Tampa, Florida =A0 33623
The new trail date has been set for January 21, 2003.
(The year 2001)
Ken Dandar met Fannie McPherson, Lisa's mother, in Dallas, Texas, in January of 1997. Fannie told him about the horrible tragedy of Lisa's death. She told him that Scientology killed her daughter and she wanted the truth be told.=A0 Fannie asked to retain him and Ken agreed to take the case on a contingency basis, agreeing to pay for all costs.
The civil suit was filed in February 1997. Before the suit was filed and before Fannie died in January, she appointed her sister Dell as her personal representative for the Estate of her daughter.
Sometime in=A0 September, 1997, Elliot Abelson, general counsel for Scientology, falsely accused Scientology critic, Bob Minton, of giving Ken Dandar $100,000 to fund the litigation.
Since Scientology thought giving money to Ken was such a terrible idea, Bob Minton sent Ken Dandar a check for $100,000.=A0
Prior to accepting this contribution, Dandar and Minton came to an agreement that no matter how much money Bob contributed to funding the case, Bob would have no influence over the litigation.=A0 Bob's money was a loan that charged no interest and would only be paid back at the discretion of Lisa's family. Ken also received approval from the Florida Bar and his client, Dell Liebreich. =A0
Ken has retained the services of nationally acclaimed expert witnesses to examine the forensic evidence. Independently, each expert determined that Lisa did indeed die from severe dehydration, a very painful death, and that while she was dying, cockroaches fed upon her.
The costs of litigating against Scientology are very high. A senior judge is required to attend and oversee all depositions to keep Scientology counsel in line. Numerous motions are filed by Scientology with an eye to burying the case in discovery.
At long last, a trial has been set for June 2002, for 3 months.=A0
The family and friends of Lisa McPherson are dedicated to this civil case, especially in light of the fact that the criminal case was dropped. The TRUTH MUST BE TOLD. We are asking YOUR help to expose Scientology as the dangerous cult that it is.
You can help by donating to the litigation fund.
Thank you all for your good thoughts, prayers, and support.
Send your contributions to:
Dandar & Dandar, P.A.
POBox 24597
Tampa, Florida =A0 33623
The Friends and Family of Lisa McPherson