In article <> (sure) wrote:
> "I'm the classic example of what Scientology can help
> one to become," says Slaughter, co-owner of a company
> that markets products for insurance providers.
LOL! I doubt a Scientologist has ever made a truer statement!
Take a look at this page if you aren't reeling from being smacked between the eyes with that little Bennetta Slaughter irony anvil.
Bennetta Slaughter is a person who could take her "friend" and employee Lisa McPherson from a hospital to her untimely demise without any apparent twinge of conscience, help OSA doubly dupe Slatkin fraud victims already duped once and who is now in charge of the Applied Scholastics front group.
She is, indeed, the classic, horrifying example of what Scientology can help one to become, if what one wants to become is a ghoul.