Talked to the police this morning about Officer Leonard. He was the motocycle cop out of Van Nuys hired July 2nd to watch over L. Ron Hubbard Way. I've dropped my charges against him.
He committed no crime. My beef is not with him. I'm upset by the criminal activities of the Church of Scientology. I can have far greater effect against them with the video camera than I can in the courtroom.
It turns out that the church paid for a filming permit for the entire weekend at L. Ron Hubbard Way. It cost them money but that they have plenty of. If Officer Leonard had told me this and showed me the permit, I would have treated him far differently than I did. He told me it was private street which I knew to be false. The information I had contradicted that of the people on the scene but I did not have all the information.
Looks like the Lead Clams will be paying for another film permit this weekend in an attempt to stifle free speech...but I doubt that they have one in place today.
If Garry Scarff could freak them out by sitting on a bench, I wonder how they'll react when I show up with the camera.
We'll find out soon, won't we?
Can they pay for filming permits 365 days a year? What if I show up in a different city? What makes them think they can stop XENU TV?